
We make your website go faster - Don't lose more Leads due to Speed



It is estimated that 60% of users leave your website if it takes more than 4 seconds to load, our service is 100% focused on websites designed in WordPresss

low speed 😔Fast speed 😱
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A slow website does not please anyone

Something that our clients often repeat to us is that they previously tried to optimize their page with expensive plug-ins that only made the web much slower. However, there are many factors that you must take into accounts such as CSS elements, HTML structure, and the elimination of JavaScript elements that make the web heavier and end up giving the user a bad experience…


This traffic you have but improves the speed of your website


And this could be if you improve it

My Best Tools:

Google Analytics Guatemala
Shopify Guatemala
Marketing Digital Guatemala
Consultor de Marketing Digital
Consultor de Marketing Digital
Consultor de marketing
Marketing digital Consultoria
Consultor de Marketing digital
Google Tag manager
SEO en Guatemala

Do you want to know what our customers think?  

“My website is a Petshop and I went from having 35 in the page speed ranking to having 88, it is a service that I totally recommend””

“Very good service and also the price I paid was very cheap, now my page goes faster””

“My page was at 14 speed, I did not know what things to optimize and they helped me to optimize it in a short time ”

“I liked this service a lot since we had previously contracted a consultancy with Carlos”

“In another agency I paid $400 for a website that worked very slowly, however this service solved much of what they did not do elsewhere”

“I had installed some plugins that never worked but the service my page was at 90 speed ”

Before PriceUSD 199

[north_checkout title=”⏱ LIMITED TIME OFFER👇” use_redirect=”on” redirect_url=”https://digitalmarketing.gt/gracias-velocidad-shopify/” success_message=”PAGO ACEPTADO ✅” submit_button_text=”GET SPEED OPTIMIZATION 🚀” module_id=”Resultados” _builder_version=”4.17.6″ _module_preset=”default” title_text_align=”center” custom_button=”on” button_bg_color=”#09e1c0″ button_border_color=”#09e1c0″ button_border_radius=”13px” button_font=”|600|||||||” hover_enabled=”0″ box_shadow_style_button=”preset1″ box_shadow_color_button=”#09e1c0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″][checkout_field field_id=”Field_3″ field_title=”Paga con Google o Apple Pay” field_type=”payment_buttons” _builder_version=”4.17.6″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/checkout_field][checkout_field field_id=”Field_1″ field_title=”Full name” show_label=”on” field_label=”Full name” required_mark=”on” _builder_version=”4.17.6″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/checkout_field][checkout_field field_id=”Field_2″ field_title=”Email” field_type=”email” show_label=”on” field_label=”Email” required_mark=”on” _builder_version=”4.17.6″ _module_preset=”default” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″][/checkout_field][checkout_field field_id=”Field_4″ field_title=”Credit card” field_type=”card” dynamic_input_text=”Secure Payment ” _builder_version=”4.17.6″ _module_preset=”default” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″][/checkout_field][checkout_field field_id=”Field_5″ field_title=”TOTAL” field_type=”total” _builder_version=”4.17.6″ _module_preset=”default” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″][/checkout_field][checkout_field field_id=”Field_6″ field_type=”product” product_item=”3226″ _builder_version=”4.17.6″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/checkout_field][/north_checkout]

🔥 Expires Soon ⏱








What should I do after paying??


We will send you instructions so that you can add us as a guest user to your WordPress

Relax and Wait

Wait while we optimize your entire website

Receive your website

You will have your website ready with a speed above 80 in the ranking


Do I need to give my wordpress password?

No, you just need to give us an invitation as a guest so we can access it. We will give you the instructions in your email.

Is it a guaranteed service?

Yes, we are 100% responsible for fulfilling what we promise, in case we cannot increase the speed of your site we will refund 100% of your money.

How long does it last?

1 to 2 business days from when you give us access to your WordPress.

Are there hidden costs?

No. The costs mentioned on this page are 100% real, we will not charge you anything extra nor do we have a cheaper offer.

How do I know if they really know how to do this service?

copy the link to this page and paste it into Google PageSpeed Insights, you will check the score we have.

What is the process to apply for counseling?

Write me on Whatsapp, I’ll leave you several buttons on this page so you can contact me and tell me who you are and what your business is and what problems you have and we can schedule a consultation

Warranty Commitment

Marketing Digital en Guatemala

Carlos Sis Representative of Mood Digital

I, Carlos Sis, am committed to increasing the speed of your website in such a way that you can do the speed test in PageSpeed Insights and obtain a score greater than 70 on Mobile and 80 on Computer. Otherwise I will refund 100% of your money.

Garantia marketing digital

Signature:Carlos Sis

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